
Having a super husband helps!

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Bulletin boards are a great way to reinforce the lessons and fine motor progress in the classroom..

Monday, December 3, 2012

Easy Christmas Tree Sensory Activity

Our final product... Easy felt die cut ornaments with a little Velcro support.

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Thanksgiving Miracles

We began in September doing a monthly parent workshop. It has been such a neat way to guide parents in their interactions with their children and help with following through and working past behaviors. Today we had a parent potluck during our workshop. Our students have so many eating and dietary issues and this was a great way to work with parents and network with each other to talk about successes. One of my students began this year only consuming liquids and was unable self feed, or tolerate crunchy food or chewing...on our 64th day of school he put solid food into his mouth for the first time. He is now self feeding more than 80% of his food. What an amazing day that was something we celebrated today with our Thanksgiving Thankful. An amazing staff and lots of work changed that young man's life. All is well. 

Monday, November 19, 2012

Felt Christmas Tree for a sensory and visual discrimination activity! So much fun...

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Keeping it seasonal! 

Friday, September 28, 2012

Wonderful things happening...

Today is our 30th day of school as you can see by our finger count. We get to practice counting by ones, counting by fives and tens, as well as AB patterning. We count and write in our new number everyday during our morning meeting. The morning meeting is the best way to start our day with consistent routines the students can count on practicing every single day.

This is also the time we go over "The Big Four" and our daily objective: "demonstrate in-seat behavior". The students, over time, learn the words and read along with me. Amazing learning is happening every single day because we learned to sit in our seats, follow a structured schedule, and transition to each activity.